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Canon Divergence - The Scarlet School Trip.Edogawa Conan is Kudou Shinichi during most of this.the inherent awkwardness of realizing your boyfriend's father was your father's boyfriend.Hakuba Figures Out That Shinichi is Conan.Kaito is not physically there but through texts.nothing bad just enough to worry Shinichi.Post Queen's Bangs Heist (Chapters 1076-1078).Shinichi does not have the patience for it.(because I need more Shin with animals content).sometimes a thief and a detective need a little help.Agasa Hiroshi & Jii Konosuke Know Each Other.who doesn't give his boyfriend a heads up.Hakuba Saguru and Kudou Shinichi Are Childhood Friends.Episode Tag: 219 The Gathered Detectives.Edogawa Conan Transforms Back to Kudou Shinichi.Akai Shuuichi | Okiya Subaru/Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan.Amuro Tooru | Furuya Rei/Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan.Hakuba Saguru/Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid.

Takara_Phoenix Fandom: Magic Kaito, 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed

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